Royce Leather TriView Id Holder

holder An animal hide can be made into leather by a number of different methods, each of which lends different properties to the final product. Leather tanned with vegetable-based products is supple but can be damaged by exposure to water. Alum-tanned leather, created with aluminum salts, is less supple and can rot in water, but it can be made in much lighter shades than vegetable-tanned leather. A newer method of tanning, using chromium salts, results in a very supple leather that holds up relatively well in water. Brain-tanned leather or buckskin, made with animal brains or other emulsified oils, i

Leather is naturally versatile material, warm in winter and cool in summer. There is almost no other natural fabric has the insulation characteristics that allow both ventilation and evaporation to take place. Genuine leather provides the service and durability.

A variety of animal skins are used to produce different looks in leather. Once leather is tanned and processed, certain sections are selected for use on a particular application. It will then go through another series of processing and splitting for each application. leather quality is determined by the actual processes and chemicals used in its production. Respectable manufacturers use high quality in the production of furniture, car upholstery, as well as jackets and clothing. Lower priced leather on the other hand, means lower quality and is less durable in the long run.

In its broadest sense, leather is any type of tanned animal hide. Different types of leather are characterized by both the type of animal skin used and the tanning and manufacturing methods employed. The most common types of leather are made from cow hide, but leather from other animals, such as kangaroos and ostriches, is also popular in certain applications. Different types of leather are suited to different purposes, including clothing, footwear, luggage, book binding, and drums.

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